Cold Fury Blog Tour
About the Book:
Having just turned sixteen, Sara Jane Rispoli’s birthday is anything but sweet.
Returning from her first high school dance, Sara Jane walks into a ransacked home and finds her family missing, the dog maimed and a psychopath in a ski mask who won’t rest until she’s dead. With nothing to go on but a clue hidden in a bust of Frank Sinatra, Sara Jane jumps into her dad’s 1965 Lincoln Continental and drives into the night.
The clues lead her to an ancient, worn notebook that contains a guide to a Chicago hiding in plain sight— safe houses, secret doors, mysterious phone numbers are all suddenly at Sara Jane’s disposal. But it also contains darker, more troubling secrets concerning the Rispoli family, including the revelation that a rare and powerful hereditary trait passed down from the time of Alexander the Great enabled certain male members of the Rispoli clan to become major figures in the Outfit, Chicago’s storied crime syndicate.
Sara Jane realizes the secret-filled notebook is the reason why her family was taken, and why she’s being pursued by three different factions: her turncoat uncle, Police Detective Dotty Smelt, and the huge, shambling freak in the ski mask. Learning of the gift awakens a realization in Sara Jane that she, too, possesses the powerful phenomenon.
With the help of a weight-challenged sidekick, an angry Italian greyhound, and a legion of guardian angel sewer rats, Sara Jane is chased, attacked, and fights back with cold fury, staying one step ahead of her pursuers and circumnavigating the male-centric Outfit while also keeping a growing romance.
My Review
So upon reading this, I was asked to be in the Cold Fury tour. I was pretty
excited, even though I'd never heard of the book or author. But when I received
it in the mail, I was elated and ready to jump on it! Sadly, things were getting
in the way here and there so it took me awhile to finally finish this. But wow,
what an awesome journey it was!! Thank you T.M for allowing me to be a part of
your tour! You rock!
So to move on with my review.....
Sara Jane
Rispoli is about to turn 16. But wow, what a life she is living and what a way
to spend your sweet sixteen. First of all, she is facing regular teen issues.
She is an outcast, doesn't have a date for prom and her family keeps so many
secrets that when she enters the room, they are all so quiet and obvious. Talk
about a lovely family. It's like you wonder what they are so hush hush about. Oh
and on top of that, your uncle is married to a real demanding, inconsiderate
little bitch. Her family owns a bakery but constantly fight about who will get
it once the grandfather passes. It's a real joy being Sara. She finds out there
is a notebook filled with family secrets and people are after her to get it
Her family including her little brother mysteriously disappear
and she wants to know why and what the Hell is going on. Sara takes us on this
ride that is pretty bumpy but very thrilling. I loved her voice. I felt like she
was telling me her story and I was seeing it through her eyes. We got to see
everything leading up to the disappearance and got to know the characters and
their personalities. I normally don't read these kinds of books but it was a
fresh new story and I enjoyed it alot. There is also no romance but I feel in
the next book there will be some for sure. This is the first of a trilogy and I
think everyone should read it. It was definitely fun and intense at times. I
can't wait to see what happens in the next one! Sara Jane is definitely a kick
ass heroine and she reminds me of Katniss!! Go Sara!!!

BIO: T.M. Goeglein began his career as a writer of print and television ads for a host of advertising and media companies. As a screenwriter, he created both original scripts and worked as a script doctor for several production companies in Los Angeles. He was an original contributor to the Huffington Post 'Living' section, and continues to write for both the national edition and Huffington Post Chicago. Read T.M. Goeglein's stories on the Huffington Post. His debut young adult novel, COLD FURY, will be published by Penguin/Putnam in 2012 and is the first in a trilogy; he’s currently working on the second book. He lives in Chicago with his wife, Laura, and two young children
LINKS: Website:
Twitter: @TMGoeglein
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